PCAOB Response to COVID-19

The PCAOB is committed to providing timely, transparent, and useful information to the firms we regulate and other key stakeholders. This page contains all PCAOB COVID-19 related updates and information.

PCAOB Issues COVID-19 Spotlight, Provides Insights and Reminders for Auditors

December 2, 2020

The PCAOB released a new Spotlight publication, Staff Observations and Reminders during the COVID-19 Pandemic(PDF), to provide insights from recent PCAOB inspections of reviews of interim financial information and audits.

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PCAOB Update on Operations in Light of COVID-19

May 11, 2020

The PCAOB is providing the following update on our current operations in light of COVID-19.

As they have been from the outset of the COVID-19 situation, our activities continue to be guided by two core considerations: (1) the health and safety of our employees and those with whom we interact; and (2) our statutory mission to promote audit quality.

While this situation continues to present a unique set of challenges, the PCAOB has maintained the continuity of our operations and our commitment to our work remains unchanged.

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PCAOB Staff Provides Reminders for Audits Nearing Completion in Light of COVID-19

April 2, 2020

The PCAOB today released a staff Spotlight document,  COVID-19: Reminders for Audits Nearing Completion(PDF) to provide important reminders to auditors of issuers and broker-dealers for audits nearing completion.

"The COVID-19 crisis is having a significant impact on investors, issuers, and auditors alike," said Chairman William D. Duhnke III. "This Spotlight is intended as a reminder that adherence to our standards takes on added importance as investors depend now, more than ever, on the integrity of financial statements."

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PCAOB Provides Audit Firms Relief from Inspections

March 23, 2020

The PCAOB is providing the following update on our inspections activities in light of the evolving COVID-19 crisis.

The COVID-19 crisis presents a unique set of challenges for investors, issuers, broker-dealers, auditors, and regulators. In determining how best to shape our inspections program during this time of economic uncertainty and dislocation, we are guided by two core considerations: (1) the health and safety of our employees and those with whom we interact; and (2) our statutory mission to promote audit quality, including by conducting our inspections program.

In balancing these considerations, we have made the decision to provide PCAOB-registered audit firms an up to 45-day relief period from inspections, with the exception of providing us access to audit documentation for certain engagements. Audit firms that wish to avail themselves of the 45-day relief period in full or in part should reach out to their designated inspections point of contact. We expect to fully resume inspections beginning May 11, 2020.

Read the full statement

PCAOB Update on Operations in Light of COVID-19

March 18, 2020

The PCAOB is providing the following update on our current operations in light of COVID-19. 

First and foremost, we are focused on the health and safety of our employees and those with whom we interact. As a result, following a transition period of more flexible work from home, we will begin a mandatory, organization-wide work from home policy effective close of business today. We will continue to closely monitor the evolving situation and reassess our policy as appropriate.

Our division and office leadership teams are in frequent communication as we work to maintain the continuity of our operations. Our commitment to our work remains unchanged, including providing transparent, timely, and useful information to our stakeholders.

Read the news release