[The following footnote was effective before December 31, 2016. See PCAOB Release No. 2015-002(PDF). The current version can be found here.]
fn 13 When the practitioner consents to the inclusion of his or her report on an agreed-upon procedures engagement in a document or written communication containing the entity's financial statements, he or she should refer to AU section 504, Association With Financial Statements, or to Statement on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARS) No. 1, Compilation and Review of Financial Statements [AR section 100], as appropriate, for guidance on his or her responsibility pertaining to the financial statements. The practitioner should follow (a) AU section 504.04 when the financial statements of a public or nonpublic entity are audited (or reviewed in accordance with AU section 722, Interim Financial Information, or (b) AU section 504.05 when the financial statements of a public entity are unaudited. The practitioner should follow SSARS No. 1, paragraph 3 [AR section 100.03] when (a) the financial statements of a nonpublic entity are reviewed or compiled or (b) the financial statements of a nonpublic entity are not reviewed or compiled and are not submitted by the accountant, as defined in SSARS No. 1, paragraph 1 [AR section 100.01]. (See section 101.82 and .83 for guidance when the practitioner combines or includes in a document a restricted-use report with a general-use report.) [Footnote revised, November 2002, to reflect conforming changes necessary due to the issuance of Statement on Standards for Accounting and Review Services No. 9.]