[The following paragraph was effective before December 31, 2016. See PCAOB Release No. 2015-002(PDF). The current standard can be found here.]


When the practitioner's compilation, review, or audit report on historical financial statements is included in a client-prepared document containing prospective financial statements, the practitioner should not consent to the use of his or her name in the document unless:

  1. He or she has examined, compiled, or applied agreed-upon procedures to the prospective financial statements and his or her report accompanies them.
  2. The prospective financial statements are accompanied by an indication by the responsible party or the practitioner that the practitioner has not performed such a service on the prospective financial statements and that the practitioner assumes no responsibility for them.
  3. Another practitioner has examined, compiled, or applied agreed-upon procedures to the prospective financial statements and his or her report is included in the document.

In addition, if the practitioner has audited the historical financial statements and they accompany prospective financial statements that he or she did not examine, compile, or apply agreed-upon procedures to in certain fn 29 client-prepared documents, he or she should refer to AU section 550, Other Information in Documents Containing Audited Financial Statements.